Saturday, August 8, 2009

23 things

I'm trying to finish up my 23 things and have done pretty well. Time (Summer Reading Club) has put me a bit behind, but I think I'v managed most of the "things". I have had trouble with only one so far, and that was embedding my YouTube video. I had it posted (well, the URL) but couldn't figure out how to embed it. I'll have to confer with one of my library experts! I've removed it from my blog, pending getting it done right!

I've enjoyed learning and trying the new technologies and that has done wonders for my confidence. I no longer feel too far out of the loop. When I got my FaceBook acct. in January, that helped me feel like I was starting to get "savvy" (well, a little, anyway), but it has been great to be led, week by week, through the other various options. This has been a great program and much needed by many of us. Now we'll know what's being talked and written about! (also the Tech Fairs that ACLA sponsored were great too) Ing's demonstration of a blog made me feel that I could do it too and that was helpful.

Anyway, on to download my podcast and I think I am done.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Cucumber Falls at dawn (2)

Cucumber Falls at dawn (2), originally uploaded by Mtnbiker09.

Lovely Western Pennsylvania


Fallingwater, originally uploaded by

I'm taking a much needed family trip to the Laurel Highlands where we'll tour Fallingwater. It's such a beautiful bulding and this setting is spectacular.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Summer at the library

As any children's librarian knows, summertime is not the time when "the living is easy". While the SRC is probably the most anticipated event of the year (other than our annual Fright Night), reading club and other programs are the busiest times for most of us. By Friday afternoon, my head was buzzing from the sound of a week of lots of people having such great times in the children's room, that I swore a vow of silence for the weekend. Recuperation is occuring as I putter in the yard, pull weeds, and listen only to the birds. No one is mowing lawns, and there is only the slight murmering of the air conditioners around me, cycling on and off. Ah, blessed restorative silence. I can return on Monday with a clear head, calm disposition and the thought that maybe, just maybe, Summer Reading Is Killing Me was not written just for me.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Techno wonder : Part 2 ( Can you tell that I like beaches?)

Another gorgeous beach - this one in Hawaii (Kaua'i) and the photo was taken by eldest son, Michael a few weeks ago.

Catch Up Day

I got a little behind in my 23 things. Too many meetings, too many books to catalogue, too much, too much. Loving it all (mostly), but I do wish there was more time. How can I be full time and still not have enough time to accomplish what I want??!!

Anyway, I've used my Delicious acct., subscribed to RSS feeds, done my Wiki assignment and hope to download a book this weekend at home. I'm glad I have a reason to finally do that.

No unusual dramas at the lost cell phones in the bathroom, but lots of excited kids as the school days begin to come to a close. Lots of sign ups already for Summer Reading Club, so it will be a busy summer. We are adding a Book Buck Shop this year and kids will receive Book Bucks for the books they read and then can spend them at our shop.

Well, over and out for now.

Friday, May 22, 2009


Lots of fun at the library as many of us tried making avatars. This is a new thing for most of us, so laughter reigned as we tried out the various options. Who knew some of us wanted tattoos or spiked hairdos?? The secret yearnings of colleagues are being revealed! Stay tuned.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Another technological advance.

This is a favorite photo taken in Maine in 2008 by my son Ian.

The tale of the missing phone

Charlie, the great guru from Public Works, came to the rescue. He disassembled and removed the baby changing table that had hung so nicely in the restroom, and managed to remove what was left of the wandering cell phone. I think the pieces are now in a baggie, waiting to be claimed. Wonder if this will influence the use of phones after school??

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Another day in the Children's Room

Today, one of our young patrons somehow got his cell phone stuck in the changing table wall unit of the restroom. Our custodian tried to dislodge it with some of his trusty tools, but the table remains so stuck from the little device that it could require the additional help of Public Works and their assortment of master tools to rescue it....

In the meantime, the little cell phone is still "holed" up in the restroom.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

23 things

About 2 years ago I attended a workshop that was really helpful in giving a good overview of Library 2.0. It made the concepts more accessible and gave me the "courage" to try my hand at a few things. I got a Facebook account just to try it out and have found that I enjoy it a lot. Since then I've made baby steps in exploring new technologies ; this "23 things" came at just the right time.

Thanks and keep the "things" coming!

Breaking news!

This is pretty exciting! I feel like I have joined the modern world!